Tuesday, 22 January 2013

YouTube Update

I have just Finished uploading my: MineCraft | BuildCraft | Industrial Craft | Lets Play...  ( Video )...

so why not go and check it out
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI1DfCmeTPk

First lets play video will be uploaded on 22/01/2013...

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Lovely picture of Mam and Misty....

Ebbw Vale RFC!...

Well we all saw a cracking performance at EVRFC today as the mighty Steel Men took on TaTa Steel... 
Ebbw Vale 42-7 TaTa Steel 

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Keep up the good work!...

Cardiff City FC, seem to be on a role? Why, well that's because in cardiff's last game against Birmingham FC, they won 1-0 to cardiff...  Due to that great performance we now have a 7 point lead in 1st place of the champions league table....

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Well I wonder if this saturdays Rugby game: Ebbw Vale & TaTa steel will be On...    We have had 4 games called off at the moment, due to this pour rainy weather here in Ebbw vale.....

The cat Misty Posing for the camera...

On holidays in Tenby, Time for dinner in the nearest Pub...

My bamp, Tony

My Bamp doing his own Version of the Cradiff fans :D...

Portrait of my Mam and my Cousin....