Monday, 11 February 2013

Cardiff Bay!

Rocks in colour                                Rocks in Black and White

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

YouTube Update

I have just Finished uploading my: MineCraft | BuildCraft | Industrial Craft | Lets Play...  ( Video )...

so why not go and check it out

First lets play video will be uploaded on 22/01/2013...

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Lovely picture of Mam and Misty....

Ebbw Vale RFC!...

Well we all saw a cracking performance at EVRFC today as the mighty Steel Men took on TaTa Steel... 
Ebbw Vale 42-7 TaTa Steel 

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Keep up the good work!...

Cardiff City FC, seem to be on a role? Why, well that's because in cardiff's last game against Birmingham FC, they won 1-0 to cardiff...  Due to that great performance we now have a 7 point lead in 1st place of the champions league table....

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Well I wonder if this saturdays Rugby game: Ebbw Vale & TaTa steel will be On...    We have had 4 games called off at the moment, due to this pour rainy weather here in Ebbw vale.....